Grant Details Screen

xTrain provides read-only access to the cumulative grant data such as pre-doc, post-doc, and short term slots awarded and accepted within a given overall grant, for each supporting year of the grant.

1. To view the Grant Details screen, select the appropriate Grant Number link in the Awarded Grants screen.

The Grant Details screen consists of two sections: grant details and the trainee roster.

Grant Details screen

Grant Details section

1. Click the Jump to Roster Table button in the upper-left corner of the screen to scroll down to the pending trainee roster(s) for the grant.
2. To email the Grant Management Specialist, Current PD/PI, or Program Official, click the hyperlinked name in the grant details section t the top of the screen.
3. By default, details for the Current Funded Segment are displayed. Use the Select Grants to Display drop-down to select another time frame.

Select Grants to Display drop-down

4. Click the three-dot ellipsis Actions button Actions button to view grant actions.

Grant Actions drop-down

5. Select Create Service Desk Ticket to create a service desk ticket prepopulated with grant information. Complete the ticket, then click the Submit Ticket button to send it to the service desk.

Trainee Roster section

The Trainee Roster contains details about the trainees appointed to the grant, their status, appointment type, and degree level. For more information about the information in the fields, refer to the Trainee Roster Fields topic.

1. The Filter Table field allows you to filter the table by any field containing text. The Search criteria include Trainee Name, Appointment Status, Termination Status, Appt. Type, Appt. Start, Appt End, Termination Date, Num of Months And Days, and Degree Level.
2. Hyperlinked trainee names indicate that there is a pending action, such as an appointment form or termination notice, for that trainee. Click the hyperlinked name to view the pending form and take action.
3. Each trainee listed has an Actions button that allows you to view their details and history with the grant. Click the three-dot ellipsis Actions button Actions button to view the available information about the trainee.

Actions menu for Trainee Roster

a. View Appointment Form downloads a PDF of the form to the browser's default location.
b. View Termination Notice downloads a PDF of the notice to the browser's default location.
c. View Routing History displays a history of the administrative actions taken on the trainee for the grant.

d. Create Service Desk Ticket initiates a service desk ticket prepopulated with grant and trainee information. Complete the ticket, then click the Submit Ticket button to send it to the service desk.
e. Reappoint opens the Appointment Form screen with the grant and trainee details prepopulated. For more detail, refer to the Initiate a Reappointment by PD/PI topic.